Men...they are different, actually as the women are, and theoretically anyone of them can attract our attention. When man is noisy, brutal and misbehave he has all chances to attract the women's attention, but not an interest. Aggression, negotive attitude to th e realities, so-called macho's image, all these traits make us form as a rule bad opinion about men. As a realist I realise perfectly well that it's hardly possible to change the world, anyway it's out right to choose what/who makes us happy. In my mind, the main man's mission is to make his woman feel happy, otherwise why should he be present in her life?
When you're a young lady of, let's say, 15-22 years old, man's appearance is the dominant factor of attaction. Sure, when we get older, we also go on take care about how man looks like, anyway his character and achievement become more essential then a perfect shape of lips, broad shoulders or stunning smile.
In fact, woman'specularity of the mind is quite special. We always need to get to share love, may be it's due to mother's instint, but sooner or later we get indifferent to a man who is unable to show his care. May be, a man is not not a skillful dancer or his fugure is not good enough to be in Men's Health magazine, however when he shows his sweet careess and desire to protect you, you're menatlly ready to recognize: "Yes, he's what I've ever wanted".
They say: "Man loves with eyes, and woman loves with ears".... it's not true, actually woman loves and judges by deeds not words.
And yet we'll always look at the man's muscles on the shoulders and on the belly, our heart will belong to the ones who will use his power, force, strength and other advanatages to protect and to provide us with all the necessities.
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