No pain, no gain! This is a common saying among trainers and work-out instructors. The general idea is to endure and put in effort for what one truly wants. This saying is true because it takes a lot of effort to achieve the type of physique mos of us want. Staying fit requires exercise, it may not be so much exercise but the quality and consistency is what matters. This is what I remember everyday I take a run to meet the 10,000 steps required.

The first few days are usually very hard, the body resists the exertion; it screams in pain because it is not used to the sudden stretching of muscles. The only thing that makes this pain bearable is the image of ourselves that we have in our mind.
And when we achieve that image of health, it makes all the pain and self-discipline worth it.

Discipline is crucial because staying fit and healthy is not just about the amount of work-out or cross fit routine that is done. More importantly, is the type of diet that is being consumed. There are people who lose weight simply by reducing their consumption of certain high-calorie meals. Others achieve this by reducing the actual amount of food being consumed on a daily basis.

Others like me, simply burn out the excess weight through exercise and work-out routines.

Which ever path we decide to follow, two things are important:
  • Be consistent
  • and always have an image of the kind of person you want to be.

It is almost like trading, strict discipline can yield consistent results.


Today's meals were as follows:
  • Breakfast = Toast bread and some tea
  • Lunch = Pounded yam and fresh vegetable soup
  • Dinner = A large bowl of diced pineapples, which I consumed about an hour ago.

If ever, you are in Nigeria, the Pounded yam and vegetable meal is one I would highly recommend. It is really amazing and very nutritional, due to the high vegetable content.


Today was one of those days when I was engrossed in work and barely had time to keep up with social media activity. So my hour and half of social media time was spent after I got back from work. The transition from posting and pokes to making actual calls and text messages is gradual. Uninstalling the social media apps from my phone has helped a lot.

The Dukascopy Marathon is still on, and I am loving the challenge.
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