Watermelon is not only a delicious summer delicacy, but also a way to preserve the figure and youth for many years. At first glance, from watermelon there is no use. But, did you know that watermelon like many other berries is rich in antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotene, niacin, thiamin and riboflavin. It is much more important that the watermelon contains literally priceless folic acid (or vitamin B9), without which the human body is not able to develop normally.
Dietary product
Watermelon is included in the top 5 of the lowest calorie foods. For 100 grams of watermelon we get only 38 kcal. With its help you can effectively control the weight and not overeat, provided, if you, you will use it every day.
After all, four slices of watermelon is enough for saturation. But do not eat a watermelon before going to bed.
Against Depression
By itself, watermelon already causes a smile and childish joy for each of us. But it's not only that. 100 grams of watermelon contain 60 percent of the daily norm of magnesium a natural antidepressant.
We all know about the diuretic properties of watermelon, but it's not just that. Watermelon ideally cleanses the body, saving it from excess water and toxins.
Sports nutrition
Watermelon contains folic acid, a mandatory component for pregnant women. Folic acid forms strong immunity, takes part in the synthesis of blood cells and allows the development of muscle mass.
Interesting, but true. Watermelon is considered a natural replacement for Viagra. It contains lycopene, beta-carotene and citrulline substances that stimulate sexual attraction and relax the blood vessels, activating the circulation in the pelvic organs.
Therefore, if you still doubt, there is a watermelon or not, then bravely take on a watermelon!

And few words about choosing a ripe and useful watermelon!
1) The best time to buy watermelons is in late summer or fall.
2) Watermelon is desirable to buy in stores or specially designated for trading places.
3) Choose a medium-sized watermelon, because small and huge watermelons should not be taken, the best option is 4-5 kg.
4) A signs of ripeness of watermelon are dry tail and alight barrel. It is best when the light spot on the side of the watermelon is yellow or orange.
5) The rind of a ripe watermelon should be firm and shiny. If the crust is easily pierced with a fingernail, then you do not have a ripe watermelon. Strips on the crust of watermelon should be as contrastive as possible. Rub the crust, there should not be a smell, the smell of freshly mown grass indicates the ripeness of the watermelon.
6) The matured watermelon shock from the springs and resonates when patted. Knock on watermelon, and you will hear - when the sound is clear and clean the fruit is ripe.
7) If the ripe watermelon is completely put in water, it will float up.
8) The bottom of the berry says not only about the sex of one or another specimen, but also about which of them is sweeter. The "girls" circle is more flat and broader than that of the "boys", hence they have more sugar and less pits.
Signs of a harmful watermelon overcrowded with nitrates:
1) The color of the pulp of a harmful watermelon is very red with a purple hue.
2) The internal fibers are not white, but yellow this is another sign of a harmful watermelon.
3) When cut, the surface of a harmful watermelon is glossy, smooth, in a "proper" watermelon it is velvety.
4) Lower the pulp of watermelon into a glass of water, if the liquid turns red or turns pink, then this is a harmful watermelon! From the pulp of a useful watermelon, the liquid will only become cloudy.
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