The thought of going to the gym doesn't exactly thrill us either, which is exactly why we want the most efficient (read: shortest) workout possible. That means eliminating all distractions. So resist the urge to check your inbox every 30 seconds or text your friend to make plans. "If you're emailing or reading, you're not working out hard enough to lose weight," says Kacy Duke, a personal trainer at Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York City. We know—but you keep all your adrenaline-pumping gym tunes on your phone! We'll let that one slide. Just be sure to set it screen-side down to eliminate temptation.

Mindless eating is a stealth diet saboteur. You don't even realize it's been happening until you need a pair of scissors to get out of your skinny jeans. "Once someone has repeatedly eaten a food in a particular environment, their brain comes to associate the food with the environment," says David Neal, a psychology professor at the University of Southern California. This causes situation-triggered eating. Translation? You effortlessly polish off a pint of Cherry Garcia before your favorite TV show is even over. Eating at the table, where you're more aware of how much you're taking in, means you're less likely to binge.

Besides warding off morning grumpiness, eating breakfast can also kick-start your metabolism. "You send your body a signal that you're not starving, so it starts burning fat—even when you're just doing normal activities," says Gunnar Peterson, a personal trainer in Los Angeles whose clients include Amber Valletta and Jennifer Lopez. And while you're at it, add a little bacon to that omelette. A study in the International Journal of Obesity reported that mice processed fat and carbs better when fed a high-fat breakfast versus a high-carb one.

Running indoors may seem like a snooze, but it's worth a shot. "Of all the machines at the gym, the treadmill is most likely to result in weight loss because it works more muscles and keeps your heart rate elevated, both of which burn fat," says Carol Espel, an exercise physiologist and national director for group fitness at Equinox Fitness Clubs. (Also, unlike the stationary bike and elliptical machine, it's self-propelled, meaning it keeps up the pace, even when you're inclined to take it easy). So take a break from the elliptical and give the most basic cardio machine some love.

Sweets aren't going to do your waistline any favors, but if you're going to splurge, you're probably better off with the natural stuff. Studies suggest that fake, zero-calorie sweeteners (like those little blue and pink packets you put in your coffee) cause more weight gain compared to real sugar—possibly because they confuse your digestive system, compromising your ability to burn calories and actually increasing food cravings. And a study in Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviorreported that, despite consuming the same number of total calories, "rats with access to HFCS [high fructose corn syrup] gained significantly more body weight...notably in the abdominal region," compared to those with access to regular table sugar. And because HFCS "accounts for as much as 40 percent of caloric sweeteners used in the United States," keep an eye out for it in everyday foods like sliced bread and salad dressing.
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