I guess it could be funny for a lady to imagine you're a man, anyway each joke just partyky consists of the very joke, the rest is true. They say that soul has no gender, and perhaps it's true as you can be intelligent, smart, kind-hearted, generous and with many other advantages independently of who you are: a woman or a man. I am deeply greatful to Creator for he sent me to this world as a woman yet it's a very responsible mission to be fulfiled successfuly Anyway, if I were a man, I'd have been a so-called real man who knows perfectly well how to take care about himself first of all and everyone who needs his help as well. Of course, inner qualities are just half of success, therefore I'd have done my best to have an ideal or almost an ideal body to enjoy ladies. One of the human nature's pecularities is we all like to admire everyone/everything who/that looks attarctive. In addition to all the above-mentioned, I'd have been a gererous man, as women like gererosity. One famous actress notice once: " Life is too short to waste it on the diets, bad mood and greedy men" That is why as I man I'd have preferred to be handsome, sportive, intelligent and very generous
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