Yes, your face is saying something. You're born with the features you have for a reason. The face is a map of your personality as well as your whole life. Hot off the heels of a study that revealed whether you're a fling or wife-y material, we wanted to know more about what our eyes, nose, mouth, etc., are telling the world. Here, the lays out what your facial features communicate about you (or your boyfriend or best friend), based on studies in 3,000-year-old face reading derived from Chinese medicine.

1. A Rounded Forehead

What we look at most are the shapes of foreheads because they reveal a lot about a person. If you have a rounded one, like Christina Ricci, it typically means you're creative, artistic, highly emotional, but not always logical.

2. A Slanted Forehead

If your forehead slants back, like Ryan Seacrest's, that usually means you're someone who is entrepreneurial and likes to get results, but doesn't like to talk about their personal self. If you're dating a person with a slanted forehead, know that they tend not to want to talk about the relationship and would rather just do their own thing.

3. Flat Forehead

If your boyfriend or girlfriend has a flat forehead, like Brad Pitt, that says that he or she will most likely like to think on things before taking action.

4. Strong Eyebrows

The stronger they are on someone's face, the more self confidence they have and the more driven they'll be. If you have a brushy set of brows, like Camilla Belle's, in addition to having confidence, you'll also tend to take a logical approach to life and have a strong sex drive. Even more, you'll be able to deal with strong emotions and stand up to people more easily.

5. Naturally Thin Eyebrows

If you were born with naturally thin eyebrows, like Paris Hilton, it doesn't mean you have zero self confidence. It does mean that you might struggle with self confidence here and there. However, there will be other features on your face that will show strength in other ways, so don't give up hope.

6. Plucked, Super-Thin Eyebrows

If you're someone who plucks their eyebrows thin, like Pamela Anderson, beware. This very action is believed to reduce your ability to be assertive, and this facial feature can actually attract abusive partners into your life. The Chinese theory behind this is that as you pluck away your brows, you take away your strength, since that's what your eyebrows stand for.

7. Big, Beautiful Eyes

Our eyes give away our communication style. Wide-eyed people, like Zooey Deschanel, usually have an open heart and tend to talk a lot. They'll talk to strangers, opening up to them, and they often think that's how everyone should be.

8. Small Eyes

People with small or deep-set eyes, like Taylor Swift, are more reserved and skeptical-they hold their cards close to their vest. This facial feature also signals that it takes a while to earn their trust, but once you have it, you'll have it forever.

9. A Prominent Nose

The Chinese say the more prominent your nose is, like Lea Michele's, the more you care about the quality of your work and the more you'll notice details that others miss, for example that the picture on the wall is crooked. It also means you're picky, sensitive to little things, and that you're a perfectionist that likes to plan ahead.

10. A Small Nose

Those with smaller noses, like Ashley Greene, tend to have a motto: I work smart, not hard. Meaning that they're not total perfectionists, but they like to be efficient. These people also aren't so focused on every tiny little detail, so they don't sweat the small stuff.

11. A Large Mouth/Full Lips

One of the main messages the mouth gives is how you are in relationships. It shows how nurturing you'll be, how giving, and how well you speak the language of relationships (aka how important they are to you)

If you have a larger mouth or fuller lips, like Angelia Jolie, it usually means that friendships or relationships are really important to you and you're a naturally giving person. This is also the sign of someone who wants to be a mother.

12. A Small Mouth/Thin Lips

If you have a small mouth or really thin lips, like Daniel Radcliffe, this usually means you're not someone who has to be attached at the hip. In other words you need space and privacy and don't need to be with your partner or friends at all times.

13 Larger Bottom Lip

If the lower lip is larger in comparison to the upper lip, like Katy Perry's, it means you're a pleasure seeker and that you love the joys in life. However, you have the potential to enjoy life a bit too much and make the choice to go after pleasure instead of stay in balance.

Conversely, if the upper lip is larger, it can mean that you tend to create drama in relationships

14. A Strong Chin

The chin stands for your level of will power, your stubbornness, your tenacity. The more prominent the chin, like Kristen Stewart's, the more stubborn you'll be, but you'll also have the ability to withstand tough times. The chin also correlates to the level of testosterone in the body, so you'll have a higher sex drive. Those with a strong chin are also super independent, so they could struggle with monogamy.

On the other hand, those with a small chin [when it doesn't stick out and isn't a prominent feature] can lack self confidence and willpower. They can often feel like they don't have the strength to make it through when the going gets tough, but that's not necessarily true. It's more of their belief system that they don't think they will be able to push through, so they give up.

Conversely, if the upper lip is larger, it can mean that you tend to create drama in relationships.

15. Strong, Round Cheeks

Cheeks stand for the ability to speak up-they're a sign that you can manage a staff and give good advice to people whether or not they ask for it.

The more prominent your cheeks, like Jessica Alba's, the more likely it is that you'll hold a position of power, speak up, and give great advice.

16. Flat Cheeks

If you have flatter cheeks, like Rihanna's, it mainly means that you most likely don't like to give orders or take them.

17. A Strong Jaw

The larger and more well defined your jawline is, like Olivia Wilde's, the more driven and competitive you are. They're the kind of people that like to achieve a goal and say, 'what's next?' They're also good at sizing up people, but that can also mean they can be judgemental.

So, what facial features do you have? And what do they say about you?

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