Hello lovely dukascopy girls!

i have a question i hope you girls can help me out.
i have to make an portfolio to get in a Fashion school, they told me i can put everything in it! all creative things i have been doing/making.
Does somebody know some suggestions?? I will put a picture in it where i have maked my own dress for a wedding!
1 model pictures i likes the most.
I will put my rainbow cake in it, hahah i am proud of it, and i will put some drawings in it.
So my friend he needs a new table, i am thinking to make 1 myself for him! and them make a picture and put it in my portfolio.
I am also making my own christmas cards so defiantly i will put 1 in that for sure.
Does somebody know some other things i can make extra and put it in my portfolio, or what is a good or nice idea to do?
I hope you can help me with some creatieve things

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