Do not worry if you cannot find your own business. Success does not come instantly. These people came to their true purpose much later than they wanted ...

1. Rаy Krоc, founder of McDоnald's - up to 52 years old sold paper cups.

2. Joannе Rоwling, author of the "Harry Potter" - up to 31 years was a single mother on welfare.

3. Amаncio Ortеga, owner of the Zаra - Up to 37 years old worked as an assistant in the shop

4. Harrisоn Fоrd, actor and producer - up to 30 years old was a carpenter

5. Mаry Kаy Ash, founder of Mаry Kаy - Up to 45 years worked as a sales agent

6. Hеnry Fоrd, founder of Fоrd Mоtor Cоmpany - founded his company when he was 40 years old.

7. Ang Lеe, the director - under 36 years old was unemployed

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