I want to share this news with you
Looking back of this Summer, I made a Premiere of my film "Lost Souls
This film is creepy,scarry,funny and depressive at he same time.
This is huge story behind, and why I did it only this year.

This year for me to finish stuff..so

This film I filmed in 2005-2006, and only in 2008 this film get over voiced by my friend, and I edited it.
Then it spend a while on my computer. And then I took it and decide to make a premiere
I invited everyone who took place in filming ad acting. ))

This premiere was organised in a good place - Museum of Cinematography.
So that was fun to see emotions and smiles on people faces)) and reactions.
And met everybodu afret such years!

Girls who played Ghosts in this film was 9-11 years old, then 17!! ) they grew up! OMG

Have a great time!
And realise your dreams!

With love,Alexana.
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