Dear community! It's time to sum up the expiring year!
As for me, Miss Dukascopy 2015 was an essential part of my everyday life. Different blogs, photos, videos that were made specifically for the community - everything was giving me a huge pleasure and step by step was making my dreams come true! When I was announced Miss April 2015, my joy had no limit! Then, an amazing trip to Geneva, visiting of glamorous boutiques and staying at Four Seasons hotel - what can possible be better? I still keep in touch with those who I met on the event! That experience was unforgettable!
Then, December.. The final voting!
I couldn't believe my eyes when numbers at some point were showing 2-3 votes difference between me and Polinaria! When the voting was over, I could officially call myself 1st runner-up Miss Dukascopy 2015, which is a huge honor for me as the new comer
My overall impression is great and I would keep updating my blog here in order to keep in touch with all of you and hopefully, one day, we will meet again

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