It has been a very quiet restful day. Thankfully, there is no work, so it is a very free day. First, I did my morning run to take care of the 10,000 steps. Got back home, did my work-out which consisted of my cross-fit routine and 75 sit-ups (a set of 25). After that, I took a shower and had a big breakfast; a plate of boiled yam and fresh tomato stew. Washed down the meal with two cups of tea and then I read a book. I can't remember exactly when I dozed off, maybe an hour or two later.

But it was a good sleep. That is one of the many benefits of a good work-out, sleep comes very easily. And you wake up feeling very refreshed.

After this morning's breakfast, I went with a light lunch of boiled sweet potatoes and tomato sauce. One thing one has to understand about the Nigerian diet, we have a lot of fruits and vegetables, so our vegetable consumption is on the very high side.

I am still staying off all alcoholic drinks, this means turning down some hang invitations. There is no need going out to hang out with friends and continuously turning down their drink offers. In some cases, I would have to pay for those drinks, and it is just odd if I am not joining in. So I am playing it very safe.

With a long holiday at hand, There is much temptation to get on my workstation and check out all the various social network sites. To check this, I got some movies and a John Grisham book. I also want to do some trading research, see how to improve my trading. I am currently among the top 10 this month, and it is a wonderful achievement for the month. That is me at number 8.

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