Hello Community!
Everyone is know that our communication is all about energy exchange. There are can be two options: good or bad.
It is good if you communicate with people who are taking your energy and giving back their to you and it is bad if those people take your energy and thats all. In fact such people are called energy vampires and make a very bad influence on us. Moreover, we absorb their negative easily!!
People, who generously gives their energy to others are called Empaths. This kind of people are very sensitive to everything and always try to help to everyone with anything but other people just use them destroying their psychological condition of health.
So you are Empath if: All people are more or less Empaths

  • people around always telling you that you are very sensitive
  • you feel other's fears, anxiety, stress like your own
  • you are tired because of the crowed fast and easily
  • you always worrying about everything you thinking about
  • you feel like too much communication and social life are stressed you a lot
  • you have to say alone for sometime to fulfill your energy level and no other options to do it
  • you have an amazing skill to listen to people
  • you always ready to help to everyone and people use it with pleasure
If you see here your reflection than you have a lot of work to do to remove Empathy from your life. All people are more or less Empaths but one who is bigger is suffering a lot. However, There is no unsolvable situation exist and I will give you instructions how to deal with this problem and improve yourself in my next blogs.

Stay positive and take care of yourself!
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