
Want to add some things, because many times I asked myself "How to find harmony?".

What is harmony?
Everybody has his own way to harmony inside.
But the main thing, that we have our emotions balanced - in the middle.

Did somebody teach you how to be in harmony in yourself?

I learn it from...some time after. Some came as a experience, some from good books, which help me.

So there is few points which I want to share with you:
  • Accept your emotions: There is no Bad emotions we feel. This is only reactions on situations.
It depends are we accept it or don't.
  • Listen to your inner voice(real voice).
  • Don't judge others. (if you sometimes we judge people in the way "we can't accept in ourselves)
  • Understand that each emotions take or give us energy. Aggression,sadness -take away energy from us, Pleasure,laugh etc - give us energy. So you can choose what to feel.
  • There is no really bad situations, we can learn from each situation. And Grow up from it.
  • Be observer sometimes (when you feel too much inside, and't don't want to overreact. Being observer, make you feel that your UP from this situation, and see it from distance. It makes you take good decisions).
  • See and feel the world around you! (See and feel nature, people, don't be focused too much on yourself, you can miss what happen around you).
  • Respect yourself and world around.
And coming back to our everyday life. you can answer to yourself, what makes you feel calm and be in harmony?

Wish you to have a great day!

With love,Alexana
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