My favourite picture is located in my city Vilnius which is mysterious and famous with some miracles in past time, it's written in book The mystical fountain (fight between vision and faith or knowing and faith). Also it's glory and keeping in the centre of Vilnius in the church altar (In Vilnius from th XVII a.). In picture (the God's mother with baby in Vilnius, Lukiskes) we can see The God's mother holding baby in hands . The composition of drawing and painting type associated with Dionisijus style (Dionisijus art school in Moscow XVI a.)This picture is famous with many stories : a dying man was recovered, women healed from carcinogenic effect. Other people just seek pardon, faith eternal life. Some people deeply believe in this picture and going for piligrimages. Also for everyone this picture's importance is different , some people believe that this picture protect town, other believe in its effect on harmony life, providing welfare. For me picture makes me to remember the people on past and their great desire and it inspires not to give up. So the picture's meaning is different for everyone, however it's the most important what you personally believe in and what is important for You.
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