Making this dish requires cooking skill and patience.
To start gutting the bird, remove every single feather and excess fat. To the fat out, make punctures in clod and in the joints of the legs and carcass. Then the bird dipped in boiling water, rubbed with salt and spices and leave in a cool place for 2-3 days.
Classics of the genre is a goose stuffed with apples, which perfectly blends orange sauce.
Sauce: To make it, mix the following ingredients
  • juice of 6 oranges
  • 200g. applesauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
Carcass rub inside and sauce, stuffed with apple slices and put in the oven. Experts advise to pour into the pan with high sides a little water, set it to lattice and put the carcass on top.The oven heats up to maximum and leave it goose for 15-20 minutes, then reduce temperature to 150 ø C. Bake it 1.5-2 hours, basting with pan liquid from time to time. At the end of knitting needles pierce the thickest spot legs. If the leak juice pure and clear - Christmas goose ready.
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