Hi everyone

The first thing that you want to have is a nice skin, so start by cleaning it twice a day before you put make-up or your day cream, rinse your face with water and take a drop of cleansing lotion and massage it well over your face, rinse again with water, dry your face and clean the last bits with some tonic on a cotton pad. When that is done you are ready for your day cream/night cream, make sure it matches your skin type, you can get advice on this in any beauty shop. Never put too much powder or cream as it makes the face look older and wrinkly, I prefer to put a mixture of colored cream and powder it looks the most natural with just a little bit of blush, some eyeshadow and mascara for a day look.

Every four days you can do a peeling of the skin and after a facial mask, its best to do this before you go to sleep because you don't have to put any make up on and it allows the skin to breathe. The same goes for your body and apply a good hydrating body lotion after.

Furthermore work out regularly, try to eat as healthy as you can (the occasional pizza or burger is ok ;-) we all do that). But most of all be confident and feel good in your skin, be positive, take everything one step at the time, go out and have a good time.

A good night of sleep is not a myth but very true :-), also be happy, smile and give yourself a few compliments a day cause you deserve it ;-)


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