Dubai policemen have experienced the development of the company Hoversurf - the first flying motorcycle or hoverbike Scorpion-3.
The corresponding video appeared on the channel GoNews on YouTube.

The description of the video notes that the tests of the hoverbike were conducted within the framework of the GITEX technology exhibition, which takes place in Dubai from October 8 to 12.

With an impressive speed of 5 meters per second, the motorcycle managed to climb to a height of 28.5 meters, than set a record for climbing and flying for vehicles of this kind.

The device is equipped with four propellers and can climb to a height of up to 6 kilometers. The company assures that the motorcycle can withstand a load of up to 300 kilograms and at the same time can develop a speed of up to 70 km / h in the sky.

In the network, more than 40,000 users watched the video. Many of them confessed that they saw their dream on the video.
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