Hi! I think I should carry on with stories about my adventures in Spain
I started to tell it before - post is here
So,I was working on training course called "New Life", this training course was organised by famous infobusinessman Alex Ayvengo,
he is the one of the successful followers of Richard Branson.
This Business Training course was separated in many parts leaded by different trainers.
One of the part was called "Financial Superstitious" leaded by Maxim Temcenko.

He is live couch for finance independence, and he lead his own "Club of millionaires" in Russia.
He is very kind and easy going man, as you can notice in the video

And here in training course "New Life" my work was to film all activities we had there.
At one moment Maksim tell me, that I can also participate in his training course, and try to do all those things on my own!
We had many technics and practics! And those change my mind completely :]
That was incredible experience!


Did you ever tried something like this? We was taught that, everybody has the power inside and the fears, when you over-going your fears - your power become free
and you can change your life!
Do you agree?

You must try it! this is action part is brakes out fears!
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