Hello dear friends,

Finally I managed to start completing this task, which I liked from the first sight I will tell you why but a bit later, but first let me start my post by the following words....

" When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion" .

These words belong to Dale Carnegie, who , in my opinion, related these words especially to the female part of the globe And it is hard to disagree with him, because I myself think that I am quite logic and rational person , buuut when it comes to dealing with people sometimes I became the slave of my emotions and just can't switch them off...ANd can you?))))

Girls are fountains of emotions and it is not by chance that there is a very good expression, saying that "A girl can turn from an angel into a devil in only one second" quicker then any sports car in this world

But let us return to me and the reason why I liked this task

As I have already written I am girl, and this means I am already emotional, together with that I have a very vivid and expressive facial gestures, and because of them my friends and relatives constantly call me either a Monkey, or Jim Carrey, saying that I should have become a parodist

So now when I learned that I can get points for the things, because of which I am usually called a Monkey, I became extremely happy

But I have to Confess that very often my expressive mimicry damages me (( since very often it unconsciously shows my real feelings , which at that particular moment I would like to hide

But let us now proceed to the collages that I made to complete this task

The first one contains all the emotions that were given in the requirements of the task and it looks as follows

Sorry for the title of the central pic, which is only half seen It is written Normal condition Which I guess is a very rare one for me ))))))

Buuut as I have already told you I am a very emotional girl and I couldn't limit myself by these 6 emotions so I continued to improvise and make experiments with my facial expressions and emotions and here is what I got

Then things got even worse ANd my mom's laugh grew even stronger as she was taking these pictures

And even worse

Then I remembered that one of my friends constantly stated, that I looked like the Puss from the Shrek's cartoon whenever I asked him for anything So I decided to check it Please tell me what you think? Do we look like twins? Or maybe I should say myaaaau?

And FINALLY I reached my climax and decided to take MY FIRST and probably

To conclude, I would like to make a really serious confession - I am really HAPPY that I have become a member of this wonderful and interesting and smart and creative Community, and these 2 months, spent here have presented me with new and mostly positive emotions!!!! That's why I want to thank you all

So I have decided to make this video, in which I express my gratefulness and also have fun dancing to Pharell's "Happy" song, showing some of my facial expressions in real life

Hope you will like it, as well as my photos

I wish you only positive emotions - SMILE, LAUGH and ENJOY every moment of this life and just BE HAPPY !!!!

P.S. Have to confess one more thing - When watching this video I realized another emotion of mine, which I would like to hide, but it is obvious during the whole video - I am really shy , nervous and not confident, as well as I don't feel comfortable in front of the camera ((( But thanks to thеsе task I am gradually overcoming my fears and complexes

Thank you very much for your attention!!!


Sincerely yours,
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