Hello and welcome to my page! My name is Khrystyna. I'm 20 years old. I'm from Ukraine, from beautiful city of Lviv (check out pictures on Internet, you are going to love it, and come here as soon as possible, let me know that you are coming and I'm going to show you my city. I know where to take the best pictures for your insta (including as the most visted places as "secret" quiet romantic places), where to eat the best national food, or where to buy souvenirs for your friends).
I study Spanish and English at the university. I'm not the total pro at languages, still make some mistakes but I'm not afraid anymore to speak, I understand another people and they understand me, and I think that's the most important. This is my last, 4th year of university. I finish my studies this summer and then I'm free as a bird. I'm exited and a little bit scaried at the same time. Again is coming another time of decision that can completely change my life.
I love sports. I did judo for 10 years. And that was the most amazing time in my life (deserves another post, just wait for it), then I had to leave it, mainly because of my studies. Now I try different things: aerial dance, gymnastics, rock climbing. But enough about me, now tell me about yourself, and lets be friends! I'm really exited to hear from you. And also let me know if you liked this post and what you want to know about me. Love you! See you in the comments below
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