Hello everyone

How are you? I am back now I had a lot of studying for my exams and now I am free for 1 month
What is new....I saw that there is a lot of new tasks so I hope I will done it soon because there is a lot of them..
On my side is new that I will go to Germany in October I hope if I will get my scolarship from my country.
Now I am searching for some job...anything would be good ......I would also like to travel around a little bit now...
when I have time

Did you think maybe that we could visit each other? Maybe stay there a few days and have some fun by visiting a friend and meet new culture, new city...explore everything you see and make some new memories, photos and friendship?

There are always option but we have to choose which one will we take

In this picture is me and my cousin in Austria, city: Klagenfurt

P.S.; If you have any job for me don't hesitate to contact me
Have a nice day and smile on your face

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