Every woman wants to be beautiful and gorgeous. But what if we didn’t have a model’s figure or something else, what we wish to change? We have to work a lot on our appearance and manners…

Let me give you some advice… May be it will be helpful for you)
First of all is…

1. Hair.

If you looked at my photos, you’d see, that I have long undyed hair. Because I think, that beautiful, clean and lush hair - this is the best decoration of every girl. You need to care about it and also need to pick up your hair or correctly tuck away it, so success will be guaranteed for you.

Also I want to add three interesting facts men think about women’s hair:

1) Men like shiny things. And that includes your hair, apparently: according to the UK's Telegraph, 72 percent of men voted that shiny hair is more attractive than hair without gloss.

2) They like when you keep it au naturale. More than a third of men said they hate it when women have perfectly groomed hair, preferring soft, touchable hair instead.

3) As long as it's naturally thick, long, and wavy.

2. Wardrobe.

It does not have to be very expensive and glamorous. But it must:

- sit on a figure like a glove;

- be neat and clean;

- emphasize your dignities;

- hide your flaws;

- be stylish and relevant.

3. Makeup.

All about makeup is individual for every woman… I only use mascara (also not very often) and lipstick, eyeliner (for certain event), that’s all))
But I heard, that the right makeup will also help to be the most beautiful girl) It must be applied to the healthy skin. It must correspond to your style and the time of day. All you need is to pick the colors and shades that are suitable for you and use them, but do not to overdo it.

4. Flavor.

Very important thing is to choose correctly your own perfume. Only you need – to use your perfume, which can describe your personality and which combines with your skin flavor. Do not to alienate others by your perfume.)

5. Accessories.

As for me, I do not like it very much. I use only earrings and rings) But try to pick them sparingly and with taste. It should be coupled with your wardrobe.

6. Gait.

Proud woman with a beautiful gait will never be unnoticed. The main thing is no slouch)

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