Hey Community!
I would like to devote this blog to the topic of Beauty of the skin. Usually in magazines, we are reading what shall we do to look pretty or which product is better to use in this or that case. I want to be special and don't want to follow stereotypes))) Thats why I want to tell what you SHOULDN'T DO in order to keep a perfect condition of your skin. In fact, I am talking about not only the face but about skin in general and, of course, men should pay attention on this topic as well! ))
  1. Never touch pimples yourself. It is better to go to see specialist straight away otherwise you will get or worst inflammation or little scar. We don't need it!
  2. Never do over-exfoliating! Don't choose very hard product.
  3. Never do over-washing. Remember that "too much doesn't mean good".
  4. Do not use the same products all year. I am sure you already heard that light moisturizing cream is not really suitable for winter and vice versa.
  5. Do not touch the skin around eyes in a hard way! If you do so you gonna see wrinkles very fast.
  6. Tanning without wearing UV protection. Shall I explain you again?
  7. Don't smoke. OMG if you do, as soon as you give up your skin will say a biggest thank you ever!
  8. Do not fail to look after your skin. Believe me, one time sleeping with make up will make you few months older straight away.
Now I repeat you one more time rules which, I am sure, you already knew. But there are always situation happens and we try to excuse ourselves. It can happen to everyone but better to avoid neglecting of your skin. The more you attentive to it the longer you will stay young and beautiful.

Take care of yourself.
With love J.
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