As a photographer I often come to the point of image management, a part that is not always very well understood in the career of publicly exposed artists. Image management is a tricky business.

I have recently experienced the wrong side of it, which occurs when you're betting on the wrong horse. The story started in Barcelona with a singer-songwriter from Belarus that I've met here. She agreed on an image management plan. We did lots of pictures and I've brought her to the 10 years Dukascopy event last December in Geneva. Results were scarced. She spent more time at the piano of the Atrium (the beautiful bar of the Beau-Rivage palace) than meeting interresting people at the party. Since then, the whole plan we had agreed on went into pieces.

Below is a much better example of succesful image management. Stromae is not only a master of image management (even if his fashion choices are disputable, here goes the #Fashionpolice) but in every composition, in every event, you can truely feel how deeply involved this guy is into his music and creations. The transmission of emotions is an important part of the process. Whatever you do in the creative world, have faith, but always keep in mind that everybody will see and/or feel what your heart is truely shaped from...

Enjoy this inspiring video:

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