Everyone knows that one of the most difficult things in the world - human relations.Anyone experiencing a storm of emotions throughout life: joy, sadness, fear, anger and resentment ...
As for me, i usually don`t understand that i was not absolutely right and it`s really hard for me to find the strength in myself and say Sorry.
Ask forgiveness and admit mistakes - not easy, but very important.
Sometimes I have offended my beloved but i always try to apologize.There are several ways to say Sorry from me
1) leave a note explaining your behavior to people realized that you`re really understand your mistake.
2) Prepare a favorite dish of the person you hurt.Delicious cake will soften even the coldest heart.
3) Make such eyes as a cat in "Schrek" (It`s also helps)
In general, I try not to offend people who are really important for me.

You never know what might happen tomorrow.What if you will have no time To say Sorry?
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