Hey, community! What a nice task do we have this time! It is really not a simple question about my personality, is it bad or good. So I want to start right from my childhood to explain you everything. I grew up with my grandmother, she was born in 1937. I lived with her till my 6th school grade/form and saw my parents only on weekends. I think that all of you can imagine a person, who was a child during a war time... That's my granny - so strict, so responsible, so strong physically, she used to be a skater, skier and cyclist in her youth, but morally she is strong too. I never saw her cry, never ever in my life. She spent all her life with one husband, I'm not sure she ever loved him, but they were together and became 2 children, my mother and my uncle. Well, in my childhood my grandmother was all the time with me. She took me to the ice-rink, after it I went to school, after this I went to choreography or dancing classes, also I took part in many competitions with that dancing school and the word "Stage" associates very good with my childhood. Well, then I went to a tennis school and english classes. I couldn't play with my friends or toys before I did my school homework, I couldn't watch t.v. longer than till 22:30(10:30pm) , because at 23:00 (11pm) I had to sleep and at 5:45-6:00 am usually I woke up, because at 7:00am was my figure skating class. During the summer my coaches and teachers gave some stuff to do, kind of summer homework, and of course, my grandmother controlled that I made all of that. So I lived by a very strickt schedule, that's what I want to say. But you know, I never complained or tried to fight with this. She taught me lots of things, how to be serious, how to be nice and polite, how to think before giving an answer, how to controll and maybe hide emotions, how to be a strong person no matter what. But what will you say? Is it good or bad, that I was taught how not to argue back to people or not to thwart with them? But also I liked to dream, I think it was the only way to go out of my strickt everyday schedule, I liked to draw, liked to look at the stars or a heavy rain, I liked to believe that all people are nice and good and no one can hurt me, I still do believe in it... And many times people disappointed me, but firs thing, is that I will believe in good till the end and even after, and the second thing, is that maybe those things which are bad for me - are good for those people? Because lots of things goes from our family, education, life experience and our surrounding and jut sometimes you need to face a person "from some other planet". You know, back to my childhood again, every summer I spent in our country house with my grandmother. But almost all the naighbours there were boys. So, I wasn't a princess among them, I was their real friend, who played football and Formula 1 with them and other boy's games like hockey or basketball in "Sega" ( the old Playstation), actually, I learned many bad words from them... lol and once, when I lost in some figure skating competitions, I was standing in my skates and very beautiful figure skating dress with many rhinestones, my hair was done beautiful too, but as you can imagine, I was very upset. So, I just buried in my mother's chest, she came to support me, and I started to shout all the bad words I knew about judges and that competitions, about organizers and about my coach, who didn't come to competitions and some other coach followed me before the ice. I was about 11-12 years old... My mom was so surprised and didn't know what to do and of course she bacame red colored because of me. So to make a conclusion, I can say, that every person has its own good and bad sides. Also the understanding of what is good and what is bad goes from our country laws and society, moreover, people can use their good or bad sides for manipulating, for example, or just to express themselves! As about me, I'm used to expressing myself with any creation, like music, dancing, figure skating, writing a songs, verse, drawing and just being honest to other people. But still I know people, who make people notice them with different outstanding stories. Is it bad or good? I don't know, but anyway all of us usually do what is good for us, I think, and at the same time you will never understand why it can be bad for anotheer person.

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