Recently my blog posts have been really quirky. Probably most traders aren't like me, but there are a lot of cute and trendy girls here too so who knows. Even if you aren't into fashion or Kawaii style, it might be interesting to see what's going on and what Young people are into these days.

I live in Italy where fashion trends are a lot more conservative and classical. In Tokyo, more than in L.A or any other place I've been to, there are no rules and anything goes. You can be whoever you want and look however you want, just not at work. The work environment is really rigid but while on your own time, you can have a lot of fun in Tokyo and play with hair and makeup and clothes as much as you want. This makes people watching, especially on weekends, really interesting.

In Japan fashion is about having fun more than anything else. If you dress goth, it has nothing to do with your beliefs or opinions. You probably just like fashion and makeup and wanted to wear a different style today. It also has nothing to do with age because Young and old get into it. Nobody's gonna judge you. You work hard all week and when you don't work you should do what you want and be a little crazy, especially when you are Young cause when you're older you usually don't have time. This is the mindset in Tokyo.

Young people are kind of expected to go out and do things. When you have a career where you work 10 to 20 hours a day,everyday, you can't, so take advantage of your time while you can. If you go to Japan keep in mind that people work a LOT. This is why you will see people sleeping on the bus, trains, etc, and then acting a little wild on weekends.

Sunday is the day to really go people watching. In Harajuku and in most Tokyo parks the Young and trendy gather to have fun and dress up and be creative. People play music, eat, shop, and look at eachother's clothes, makeup and expression. A park I really like is Inokashira koen at Kichijouji station on the Chuo line. They have a really great yakitori (chicken skewer BBQ) restaurant around here as well.
Here is one kind of style you can see:

YOu can get this look at Viva cute candy hair salon.
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