Our job is the main source of our income in a monthly basis nor if we have business still it's our job to run it well. At first we became dedicated and give our full time because we are excited to learn things, to meet and to deal people, to solve concerns that may arise, to meet expectations and deadlines that are given to us by our boss and when these things are going smoothly we are totally happy and satisfied to whatever the result but how about if it is counterpart or messed up?

As one of the these employees, when things doesn't work out according to what I plan nor expect, all I do is to take a break, give time to myself to unwind, sometimes I do going out of town to see things still positive. Learning to appreciate things in tough times are really hard to do but I do believe in choices. Choices that has been and still practicing to my life until now in able for me to work harder and perform well after all, to think possibilities. In this way, I know someday somehow, it will be my biggest edge in fulfilling not only my task but also as a better person.

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