Dear Community Members, dear ladies, we've learned a lot with previous Miss Dukascopy, we've found your feedback for the contest very useful. Therefore we've been working very hard during those holidays to alter the concept. So this is what we have come up with. Please feel free to discuss, suggest, comment, etc. Your opinion is very appreciated and can still change a lot.
You'll be the first to see it, after the management of the bank.

So, what's new?
Dukascopy is going to spend more funds to reward Misses. We are aiming at a prize budget exceeding 200 000 USD. And remember, there are sponsors that are going to increase this sum, hopefully, up to half a million US Dollars by adding their magnificent prizes worth at least 250 000 USD.

We are planning to have a Miss every month. Hence you will see Miss February, Miss March, and so on. Every month, we'll give away prizes to top 10 girls as for the rating. So it will be 5000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 500, 500, 500, 500 for the top 10. Also, the number one lady will get an iPhone. (alternatively, there might be special events with extra prizes)

But this is not it. We are willing to add new major nominations: Miss Blogger, Miss Community. We want to award these winners with 10 000 USD.

So, let's rush through the year 2014 real quick:

January: We launch the competition, 3 girls are awarded with iPhones for their New Year's resolutions
February: Miss February, 15 000 USD worth prizes are given by the Bank + iPhone 5s
March: Miss March, 15 000 USD worth prizes are given by the Bank + iPhone 5s
April: Miss April, 15 000 USD worth prizes are given by the Bank + iPhone 5s
Well, you got it, right?

November: Miss Dukascopy, possibly Miss Geneva Forex event. 10 000 USD from the Bank to each, + sponsors' prizes to Miss Dukascopy. + Miss November, of course.
December: Miss Community + Miss Blogger. 10 000 USD each + Miss December.

New nominations

Miss Blogger
- to become one, you need to participate actively during at least 3 months, most importantly - in November. We'll take the rating for 2 other best months as well. Here you have to be a popular blogger - be good at tasks we issue and make sure your blogs are interesting and are being read.

Miss Community - to become one, you need to participate actively during at least 3 months, most importantly - in November. We'll take the rating for 2 other best months as well. Your social skills matter here. We are going to introduce Social points, so you'll have to collect them + be popular. Social points will be completed through completion of social achievements within the community.

Miss Dukascopy - is a sum of both. To become one, you'll have to be part of the contest in October and we'll take 2 other best months for the rating calculation.

Miss Geneva Forex Event - that's still very disputable. We will award one lady who attends the Event if we feel we want to.

New Rating
We'd like to make the rating as transparent, as it can be. The current idea is to have Task rating, Social Rating, Popularity rating and Dukascopy rating.

Task rating comes from the task points you get. Same as last year.
Social rating comes from the social points you score. You'll be able to get them by chatting, using our new mobile app that is about to be finished, broadcasting webinars, going through some social challenges, etc. You'll see this a little later on.
Popularity rating is not very different from last year - your likes and comments.
Dukascopy rating is only important for determining THE one and only - Miss Dukascopy. So it shouldn't bother you.

So let's just imagine the rating for a second:

It's very simple. You'll see your RANK in each column. On hover, you'll see what's behind this rank.

With this system, you can see what's best to you. You can blog your way to Miss Blogger, socialize your way to Miss Community, be active when you have time to be in top 10 every month or work really hard to become Miss Dukascopy.

New looks
Now that's top secret. That's just for you, my dear followers and the ones who'll read it.

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