Im not telling about film directing here (this is also what Im doing in my life),
here Im going to tell about my experience in acting.

For many years my wish was to be an actress, later I knew what it is like, and its is not so shiny and easy as it looks like in dreams. This is also a work, and you need to give yourself to this. Filming scenes took many many hours, from the early morning until the late night. And not always "summer" filmed in a summer time .
I remember we filmed summer night, and we all were in evening dresses, and there needed to be a rain, but outside were already late autumn OCTOBER and freezing. The same as filming a day time in late night, and you need to be fresh and active
So cinematography it is an art of illusions, I know it by being behind the camera as a director, and in front as an actress

As you noticed, Im interested in filming and acting. If you remember my Task 1. My life-story , there was 20 facts about Alexana Devi
3. I Like both things film directing and fashion design.
5. Filming short films, social movies, taking parts in festivals, even worked as a film director+ camera girl in internet reality show "become free" in 2012.
8. In last 2013 year was taking part in crowd scenes in 4 Russian TV serials.
12. Wish to take part in Bollywood films
16. Wish to film my own film in Hollywood
17. Played a roles in french theater without knowing a language

And the important one - 19. Believe in dreams

So how its happens, how I get filmed in a movies? (instead of mines )
What can I say, there always need people there, especially for crowd scenes and small roles, there are always Filming action happens, but we not always knowing about this And for me it was like this. Once I get there in a crowd scene, they remember me, and call everything they wave a new film or need someone So this is good. The greatest thing this is to be remind by Film director I get it twice, and had a talk with producer
About filming, when they search for a people they always post information in a groups, you newer know it
I remember once at late evening I saw information about filming advertising, I took a notes, got there on time before college and had fun, they filmed scene in a city, they give to everyone a hopper - and we all jumped on it, in a city square, in a parks and so on I felt, Iike Im in a Jim. And in the end they let us take home all the hoppers we jumped on

So if you want to take part in a filming like I did
There are always possibilities:

1. agencies, there always looking for new faces, and take a shoot to Data base.
2. looking for filming announcements - there are always some groups, and time ti time they need a people for filming, and there is a great chance to be there
3. research. I think this is the same as one before, but in additional. When you searching - you will find it

Did you had some experience in filming? movies advertisements? Some funny stories about it?
with a film director Araik Oganesan (he film comedies)

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