How to stay enthusiastic? I think that every person has these moments when there's no desire to do anything even having very big ambitions for this life. Sometimes you just do things you have to do as a robot because there's no other way. HoweverI guess that there's no thing that can manage my mood except myself. I don't like when bad news or any other problem controls me. This is the moment when you have to understand that you're stronger than it, and you decide whether to get caught into these negative factors or to overcome them. This is always the right choice. You have to say "no" to the problems and "yes" to the happiness. You have to be active, take control of circumstances, be a subject, not an object that reacts all the influencers. Because it's your belief in yourself and in life that matters. There's always way out. There are a lot of kind people in the world and you never know where the help can come from. Just remember how many problems are far away that seemed like the end of the world. Here are some of my life hacks right for the moment:- Start with the fake smile to yourself in the mirror. Our body believes our brain, and on the contrary the brain believes our body.- Help/do something good to someone who's around you - family, friend, any person or creature. It's a good feeling when you have that little power to influence the world for better.- Write down the gratitude list for this day. - Recall and make a list when people helped you.- Recall and make a list when you helped others.- Try something new, even what you're not interested in - go for a lecture of an unknown subject or at the movie you don't even know what's about - refresh your mind for some good new ideas.- Write down in the diary how you feel or try to draw your feelings, try to express your emotions letting them out. What are your ways to stay enthusiastic? Please comment
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