I think being a risk taker can mean so many different things. To take a risk can be barely stepping out of your comfort zone, or taking a huge leap way past your perception of your "limits". There have been many times in my life where I have hesitated, not wanting to take a risk... but there have also been many times where I have thrown caution to the wind and leapt off the cliff.

I spent my 18th birthday jumping out of a plane, tandem skydiving and it was one of the funnest, most exhilarating experiences of my life! I actually wanted to go before my 18th birthday, but you have to be 18, so I did it on the first possible day. It felt so free to be flying through the sky, completely weightless, looking at the beautiful earth from so far away.

I have also taken the risk to take my yoga practice to the next level by taking my practice off of the mat and into nature, testing myself in a whole new way, as well as studying to become a teacher so that I can help others heal and feel more alive. It's so amazing to be able to share the art of yoga with others now, and directly see it influence them in so many ways.

Years ago I was too nervous to share my art with the world, but I took the risk of putting my art out there on internet selling prints of paintings, drawings, and jewelry I made on Etsy.com. It was scary because my art comes from my heart and soul and I was nervous to be so vulnerable. But now that I have sold art to people all over the world I couldn't imagine going back to keeping it all to myself. I love knowing that my art can put a smile on someone's face and brighten their day.

I also took a huge risk about 5 years ago by taking my health into my own hands and going on a completely organic high raw vegan diet and practicing yoga everyday in order to heal myself from a multitude of serious health problems. It was scary because the doctors didn't know how to heal me and just wanted to give me more medicine, but I wanted to be as naturally healthy as possible so I took the risk of following my intuition and doing things more naturally and it payed off in huge ways. I was extremely underweight and unhealthy but I managed to regain a healthy amount of weight, eliminate a lot of pain, gain strength and confidence, and get off almost every single medication I was taking daily.

I try to push myself past my comfort zone a little bit everyday in order to feel alive... life without risk is no life at all. In order to live fully, we must take risks... even if they are small, they helps us grow.

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