Hey, lots of partying last night? Got badly drunk and now are suffering from handover? Got a bad headache like tearing your brain apart?
I have some trips for helping your get rid of the obnoxious aftermath of crazy drinking to retrieve a lovely Sunday.

1. Drink plenty of water. When you drank too much wine, actually your body is in a state of dehydration. You needa supply your body with more water to retrieve a hydrostatic balance and for your kidney to expel the extra alcoholic. I suggest your can take a video during the moment of drinking and submit it as the latest task of Miss Dukascopy lol

2. Drink ginger tea. There is a substance in ginger that can ease the syndrome, such as headache, of hangover, I forgot the name of the chemical substance since I’m not a chemist, google it by yourself if you wanna know. You will feel a lot better after drink a hot ginger tea. For how to make yourself a ginger tea, you can kindly refer to Olga’s blog, there are some instructions or just google it.

3. Eat some fruits. After a whole night alcoholic drinking, you must be starving right? Fruits could help ease the stomach disorder resulting from drunkenness. The fructose in fruits is the simplest form of molecule that could be digested and absorbed in a super quick way. No special type of fruits, I personally like apple, orange and grapes.

Yohoooooo… my last advice is not to drink so that much next time to save you from the disagreeable aftereffects lol !! Wake you ass up and enjoy the beautiful shiny Sunday with your lover, friends and family. Don’t waste it, since tomorrow you gonna work work work again ..

Have a lovely Sunday, Cheers !
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