Good Evening My Dear Friends!
It is time to say Goodbye to the weekend and get ready to meet a new week)))) In order to inspire you for good working mood I want to tell you some interesting facts about the connection between our characters and immunity.
Human immunity taking its health and strength from such person's character features as sense of purpose, optimism, diligence, openness and ability to forgive.

  • Sense of purpose increases ability of our body to produce a helthy cells of immune system whereas aimlessness reduces this functional activity.
  • Optimism increases the strength of immunity whereas pessimism reduces it. Depression supresses our immunity at all.
  • Diligence works the same way as optimism whereas idleness reduces immunity strength. However, workoholism is not good as well as can lead to disorder of immune cells activity.
  • Unselfishness increases immune selectivity and specificity whereas greediness can lead to excessive aggression of immune cells which starts autoimmune processes in our bodies.
  • Opennes gives the opportunity to the immune organs not to overwork whereas restraint makes reduction of immune functions. Insolence here can lead to overexcitement of immune functions.
  • Ability to forgive increases the strength of immunity in fighting with any inflamation process whereas touchiness works vice versa.
So, our well being mostly depends on our mood and working spirit. Stay positive and your body will say a big "THANKS" to you)))))

Good luck guys and have amazing week ahead!

Cheers. J.
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