Hello guys!
Love or money? Interesting question. I am not sure why should I make a choice actually. Can we love without money?? - of course, it's hard to control our feelings, sometimes, true?? And can we have money without love?? For sure....
Once Marilyn Monroe said - A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night. It is hard to disagree with those words.
I've seen some people who live in small flat, who's main adventure in life was trip by bicycle to a next village, but they are just happy. Happy, because they found their real love, their beloved person, second half and real life partner. And on the opposite, there are so many stories about lives of millionaires, who feel so lonely in their personal life, who come to the stage, when they have to buy "love" of others. When it is hard to understand whether a person is with you, because he/she loves you, or just loves your money.
Lots of girls dream to meet a rich man and get married... As for me, a woman creates a man. If you want money - work together and you will get what you want! But in addition you get deep feeling, which can't be compared to anything else in this world. Maybe these words will sound too pathetic, but Love creates miracles...!! ) If you understand what I mean !
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