One very important thing what you must to understand about eating is reaction of the body. You cannot just eat and run ahead, you must enjoy it. It is like a music, wrong one makes you nervous, right one give you different positive emotions.
The third eye or fifth sense works all the time and your brain must give additional information about effectiveness of the food. Signal that I want more is reality bad. At first - take the time and it is absolute base of all and more important than 4-5 mealtimes. When after 20-30 min of eating you want more, then it is sign, that content of the food was wrong. Human body calculate almost perfectly your needs. Reaction after 15-30 min must be - it was good and I enjoy it, thank you good (or cook) and I am happy to go ahead. Eating 5-7 times in the day gives for you good chance to choice for yourself right food. Take little and wait for reaction, make your notices and next time do it rightly. But you never can fix your mistake quickly. If you are nervous after eating, then you must burn this one quickly (make a walk or gym shortly) and start looking for new one.. Right food your body you will forget after 30 minutes, you cant feel any tensions or weight. Emotional side you can keep longer, but it is like little dreaming, you never use the word - "I want" about this. It was shiny, it was delicious, it was domestic are good memory and signals that you must repeat it later to be emotionally rich again... "I need" is little more clever constructions, after this emotion you can repeat one time more, there can be choice that something form your body is missing and you must fix it. Just take a time hour or two and try it fix later.. respect yourself and world around you...
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