Three days more to go and the Dukascopy Marathon will be over for me; In this time, I will have met my 21-day obligation. It has been a wonderful and enlightening process. From dietary restrictions to scheduled work-outs and multi-kilometer runs; I would be lying if I said it was not challenging.

But just goes to show how much a person can achieve when you set your heart to a task. I got my 10,000 steps in with an early morning run. Did a couple of stretches before I left the house, just to get in shape.

By the time I got back home, I was thirsty, and down went two 75cl bottles of water.

I did my cross-fit routine, and some more stretches afterwards.

With some help from my amateur photographer sister, I got the sit-ups on video.

I have been off all alcohol, canned drinks and processed juice. Basically, I have gone back to simple tea and water.
It is not as easy as it sounds, sometimes I just want a cold bottle of Coke.

I am happy to announce that social media time is still at an hour and a half. Now, I don't just read anything or everything. i am particular about the posts and their relevance. Discipline is very hard work, sticking to a schedule or plan will test you severely, but the rewards are worth it. I have freed up several hours, literal hours with which I can get other stuff done.

There are several hours spent on our phones on these social network sites; human interaction has now been reduced to posts,pokes and DMs. I am now making an effort to place calls, instead of messages I am sending out vote notes. It is a gradual process.

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