The world is not without good people!

Daily news falls on us with a heavy load - war, crisis, natural disasters, crime, terrorist attacks ... And even the most desperate optimists often can not deny themselves a hackneyed phrase: "Stop the Earth - I'll go." But among all this negativity, it is not so rare to find truly wonderful stories about disinterested people with huge hearts. The news about them makes us take heart and make sure: everything is not so bad on our planet. At any time you can remain a Man.
Love is the only love of love, love is taught and you have to learn. If you do not abstain from God and your neighbor, you will do nothing.
Love can not afford love without God, Lithot does not love words, God loves it, good deeds is love.
"We have to do a Good with especially for those who do not expect a thankful thank you to help with a sweet word, a glass of water, with love and hope."
Добрые дела идут от души до тех пор, пока не выйдут боком.
Мамчич Михаил
And now my darling good thing. I very much wanted to get rid of simple people and hit bubbles in the street. I was very excited by this instruction. I bought 100 pieces of colored bubble. Today is a very beautiful day when the sun was warming. I went to the street and gave the passengers a balloon. My friend helped me to make a video. People were very surprised and at the same time happy. The children were very happy when they saw bubbles.
love ! love! love!
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