I think I'm really bad in Lifehacks I was thinking a lot about this topic and came to the conclusion that all my lifehacks are based on that particular moment, I guess it's because I'm too emotional and prefer do things in different ways every time, completely not practical, I admit it
No, of course I have some tips that I'm using - such as adding garlic during pasta souse preparation makes it way much better, or adding sugar in the flower water makes their life longer, but does anyone really care??

I really care more about gesture communication lifehacks, such as:
- if you look a little bit above someone's eye when taking to him - this person will feel that you are trying to show your superiority and opposite - look a bit lower that his eyes and he will feel you are well disposed toward him
- it's easy to see if someone likes/dislikes other person just by looking on his legs position - he likes you if his legs position is towards you and probably not very disposed to you if opposite
- Eye pupils - if they are big when someone is talking or looking at you - this person definitely likes you or the situation he is in, and opposite - small eye pupils means he doesn't feel comfortable or he just doesn't like you/communication with you etc.

I'm using them in my day-today life and they really helps, hope you'll find them useful too.
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