In May 2011, I have decided to change my whole life. For all I can remember, I used to be the biggest girl in all places I have been to. In childhood, I have been the biggest school girl that all kids run after to call me with all ugly names. In my teenage days, I used to feel shy from expressing any type of beauty especially when I used to be 130 kg or more. Life was difficult and hard; I even thought about killing my self so many times although my parent was so caring and positive towards me all the time.

During all of these problems in my life, I learned that anything precious comes with commitments and hard work. For example, in my high school years, I used to study 6 hours per day to get the highest GPA in my graduation class, and I did winning a governmental scholarship to Dar Alhekmka, an elite College in Saudi Arabia. After getting tremendous job in a bank for two years, I then decided to continue my higher education in Canada learning all new concepts of being independent and multicultural.

In 2010, I came back to Saudi with my master. Yet, the dream of showing the new me is not there yet. One year later, it was the beginning of the biggest challenge I had in my life which I have successfully earned it; I lost 62 kg reaching 68 kg after I was 130 kg before.

My life now became happier. I feel more respected in dealing with people with appraised confidence which God has given to me. Now I work at my job in Branding proud of my achievements in several levels and perspectives. I started to do weight loss boot camps within my small friends and community circles, and talking more about health issues of diabetes and obesity. I want everyone to learn from my story and not commit the mistakes I have done before and enjoy a healthy life style.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示