Today I will take pressure little down. Hardest part of the marathon is in the middle, approximately the half of the distance and the end. Real character and power you need in the last 10-15% in the distance. Our marathon is very flexible and in the weekends you can allow just dance. It is one of the best sport in the world, not to much tension, spontaneous, very multiple and almost the most relaxing activity in the world. And please don't read kkcal during the dance or steps or something more. It is one of the basic instincts and only way to fly on the land. But dance have same nature as yoga, it is not just "do what you want to do". Yoga is in reality big philosophy, the purpose is not flexible body, the target of yoga is the stage of nirvana. This is why I laugh little inside me when I hear about training of yoga, how is possible with just little stretching get emotional stage what can allow you be higher of yourself. But nothing to do, the easy courses sell better. Same small mistakes we do with dancing too. Dancing is very important meditation or releasing of soul. Just dance is good, to dance for example salsa or batchata or other latin dances is highest control of perfect rhythms. At first you must find them inside of you and after then can you open them perfectly, every day little better - it is very important, you can never stop the development. Highest level are ritual or mystic dances, it looks maybe little chaotic, but it is absolutely deep moving and only very strong and clever people can allow it, there is all the time possibility that you loose your way and never come back, like in the hypnotic.
But step by step.. Find your music, find your steps and go slowly but firmly ahead. I know there is only on dance for you, just a lot of ways how to find it and don't worry about mistakes, one smile fixes one mistake (but remember, it works in the dance, not in the FX market).....
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