We have all read so many stories on how to become a successful trader. We all know to do the math, and it always comes down to psychology.
From what I know, the Holy Grail of trading is discipline.

And so it is in life.
I've been staying up late for a couple of months now. Yet, I'm trying to make myself get up at 7. Not working so well. I'm still going to bed at 2-3am. Not good. My life was so much more in order when I didn't have internet (which can be counted in decades now :P). Just kidding, just last couple of years made me more addicted to the computer.

I think that my almost two months of playing around with Greek have been a good thing to try out the discipline. It started as a play before the trip, like a childish game. Then it all became wasting time, luckily not because of me. Other girls joining in and joining out. Then I realized it is about me, not anybody else. So my 1 hour of work last Friday showed some results. And I'm not satisfied yet. Good thing is that I set an example for the girls to work harder to catch up.
So I'll just give up my playing game this morning to repeat some words and be constructive. This is something I have bit, and discipline is to chew it and eat it finally :P
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示