"I always feel happy.Do you know why?

Because I do not expect anything from anyone.
Waiting always hurts.

Life is short.
So you have to Love life,
Be Happy and always Smile!
Live for yourself and remember
before you talk - listen,
before you write - think,
before you hurt - feel ,
before you hate - Love,
before you surrender - try ...! "William Shakespeare
In these so real and so strong thoughts left in the centuries by William Shakespeare, whenever we read, hear, or pronounce them, we conceive their power in human life!When we love, we need to understand the need to hear, to understand, to understand what we have heard!
If we learn to communicate sincerely, to put ourselves in the place of the loved one, to learn to discover our own feelings and emotions before the beloved person or people we love, then harmony will strengthen our love.
Then it will not hurt us and we will not have to hate, because we know that the step is very fast from love to hatred, when there is no harmony and sincerity in communication!
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