Today I was talking with one trader and he told me about the difficult decisions with trading.
Often you have three opinions:
  • GO and maybe lose from a winning position
  • STOP when you are ahead in the game
  • PAUSE when you have good profit in trading
It’s hard to decide what you need to do. Why? I found (with the help of my friends) two reasons:
  • Maybe it’s the effect of overconfidence
  • Maybe it’s what traders called Blackout.
At that time I was thinking that a huge role in trading is self-control. One other trader said to me that I am right. But I need to trade a lot - I need to make the mistakes.

Nobody is a samurai with 100% discipline.

And often you are stopped, but it’s too late...
So, you need have absolute control over your emotions. Maybe that's why it's harder for the girls?

But relaxing music makes the brain produce happy hormones. So it is a good balance for emotion. Emotion (especially with trading) is "unhappy" hormones. So to put "happy" hormones in, makes us calm again.

Just remember:
Most important for traders is not to overdo it.

My wish for all of you is to save your emotions for ordinary life and be emotionally stable in trading.

Or... Mission Impossible...?
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示