I have a question concerning the results of the Article Contest.
I took 9th place in the June contest period and have been awarded 200 USD. I would like to ask how the prize was calculated. It is stated on the Article Contest webpage that the prize (as I understand these are the prizes before the increase in July) for 9th place is 500 USD which is adjusted accordingly to the number of participants with the minimum amounting to 50%- thus, 250 USD. By the articles' rankings in that month there is a 'number/77'- so I thought it means that there are 77 participants and would mean that 77% of the prize would be awarded. If you round it up to the nearest hundred that would give a prize of 400 USD.I have sent this enquiry and recieved the following reply:
"Content of webpages in the Article Contest will be changed soon accordinglast renovations. Prizes for June and July has been calculated according the Rules and new prize scheme which is not reflected on the website."

My question: How come the rules on the contest page are not binding? The only information provided was
that prizes have been increased starting July, however there was nothing ststed that the rules are being changed and even so it should take effect not sooner than the July contest month.

Link to the results: https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/fx-article-contest/?action=contest_results
The prizes before the raise: https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/fx-article-contest/?action=prizes
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示