Fake products are copies of original products and are used to make money by selling the cheaper versions for a very high price. Most of the time people buying fakes products because of its cheaper price and the effect of this are the poor quality and the high risk of short span of usage. Below are the two considerations we can use as a reference if we're into fake things or not:

1. Do we need the products for longer use? If so, don't go for fake because the span of usage might be as double as the price of the original one.
2. Is it necessity? If no, then try to save the money first until you have the enough amount to buy the original one. it's a matter of right timing to buy.

Remember, it is not bad to buy fake or original things, as long as the budget are intact, as long as it will not suffer our savings then feel good about it!

Belated Happy Labor day to everyone!
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