How to stop thinking about work?If your work day ends not at 18 or even at 20.00, but lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if you notice that the head does not stop buzzing, like a hive, even in your free time, but no more strength, Congratulations - you're a workaholic! How to get rid of pressure and stop thinking about work after 18.00Let's make it clear right away. If you are one of those lucky ones who are doing what they love, you do not need these recommendations. Think about your work anytime and anytime. The main thing is not to overeat. After all, even the most beloved thing can get bored if you do not pause to recharge the batteries or release steam.These tips are unlikely to interest men. As folk wisdom says, men at work think about women, and with women - about work. Of course, this is a joke, and you need to disconnect such thoughts. After all, when we spend our free time thinking about work, we have less energy to work on. Thus, a vicious circle is formed. There is no power for anything, including work. The question is how to switch to use.So, if you feel that it is vitally important for you to free your mind from thinking about work matters, use our recommendations.1. Apply for courses in foreign languages, floristics, landscape design. Any intellectual or creative occupation will allow you to concentrate on the matter and stop the flow of thoughts about work. No wonder intelligent people say that the best holiday is a change in the type of activity.2. Go to the gym, practice, swim, ride a bicycle, work at the dacha: any physical effort switches the thinking process. Give yourself such a physical load that your only thought was how to twist, walk, sit down and get up ... Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, one, two, three ... Work? What job?3. Schedule your evenings and arrange meetings with friends (but before that swear that not a word about the work will be said), trips to theaters, cinema, to a concert, romantic evenings with your beloved. Even if there is no strength in the evening, it would seem, no matter what, except for the TV, make an effort - and you will be grateful. A second wind will open, and communication will help to get rid of obsessive thoughts about affairs, calls, letters. Communicate with nature: walk in the forest, listen to the birds, behold this picture of the beautiful. At some point, you will feel that the head has disconnected from the working bustle, and the body is filled with energy.4. If you have children, give their free time to them, not to the computer. Already the children know exactly what to occupy your head while you are with them. Organize a children's party for your children and their friends. Believe me, if twenty kids are running around you, you will not have time to think about work - it's a bustle.5. Expand the network of contacts, get acquainted at different events. We often can meet people with a completely different philosophy of life, unlike ours, different from our dreams, deeds, happiness. Such communication helps to discover new qualities and new motivation for work. Who knows - maybe soon something will change in your understanding of the world, and the work will not be what you get tired of, but what you can not live without.
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