After long hard day I need rest and my choice is watching movie. Most of times I prefer movie insted of series because second take too much time, however I’m watching both All depends on mood. I have too much favorite movies and serials. There is enough talented things in cinematography. For a example the last of what I liked it is Game of Thrones. We all know in what difference between movies and serials but here I lost it. I have been watching all series on one breathe and found it for myself really wonderful because I didn’t feel that I’m watching serial I felt it was movie, very long and thrilling movie with tense subject and full of adventures in old mysterious world as I like it. My favorite hero was Mother of Dragons, for me she became as an example of real woman who I wish to be. She over brave and strong women. Many people can say this serial bad, because lately it becomes over popular and as we know everything popular earlier or later gets boring. But I still love it and think that Game of Thrones really unique serial among all.