Here I would like to tell how I spent the last Valentine's day.

Better late than never !

And my memory is still fresh and clear as the water in mountain river

That weekend it was the last weekend of 2 expositions: "Titanic" and "Secrets of anatomy"
And I decided to overcome myself and to go there to see them finally.

At first I went to "Titanic" and read some facts about it.. (though I already knew a lot about that story, so I was not suprised), have seen the decorations of the rooms and some interiors, some exampes of dishes, spoons and etc...

Me in this interior:

And then I went to "Secrets of anatomy" - a famous and shocking exposition.

All is made of real bodies! You can see in details what is inside of us...

I thought I would never have the appetite but in the end I anyway become hungry ... (as usually)
And ate a panakota..

That time everything was in hearts.. what a romantic day I had!

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