Hello everybody,

as you may have noticed, some changes there have happened to the community pages. Those are just temporary, we are going to facelift all the pages to improve the navigation as community has grown marginally lately. So don't be frustrated or surprised, that's not the final version.

What's more, we have introduced SMS-verification system. Why?
a) It will simplify your prize awarding procedure. You'll have to verify your phone later on when you become a client anyway, so why don't you do it now?
b) We'll make it possible to restore your account/password via SMS in future. Your acc will be safe.
c) We'll work on some SMS-notifications, if necessary.

Also, I'd like to inform you that you might be approached by Dukascopy analysts that ask you about your forecasts about different currency pairs. They do it for a reason - there is now a collectively made product called "Community forecasts". This is basically an overview of the market and some analysis contributed by you, guys. If you want to find your name in this document, you are very welcome.

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